
Monday 17 September 2012

Remembrance Boxes

Open Art Project: Treasure Boxes of Remembrance

Transform a beautiful cigar box into a shrine, alter or memory box of a loved one as part an open community art project. Completed Boxes can then be shared in a Remembrance installation during the October Exhibit at Odd Fellows; or they can be part of the Day of the Dead weekend in early November in Fort Bragg.   

For the past few years, hundreds of simple cigar boxes become personal Remembrances.  Says Janet Self, “The response has been wonderful and even more important, people have crafted beautiful Remembrance Boxes with lasting meaning.  The project has helped people come to grips with loss of a loved ones, while others have pulled together special photos and memorabilia to make them into real 'family heirloom'.  Sharing these in a community creates an inspiring experience for all."

Boxes are available at Racine’s in Ft Bragg; a $5 contribution per box is requested.   

The October Exhibit will also feature a Remembrance Web where people can participate by simply tying on a special note or memory. 

1 comment:

  1. You are doing really good job. I've bookmarked you for further amazing content.
    Keep it up mates.Bakery Boxes, wedding boxes and cardboard Box Dividers are really good products.
