Go Back to School in celebrating Art in Schools along with artist Janet Self!
A 90 ft Mural created with the children of Redwood School will be unveiled Thursday May 26th the School's OPEN HOUSE (324 S. Lincoln Street next door to the CV Starr Center). Visitors are welcome at the Book Fair (4-8), classrooms will be open 6 to 7 and at 7:15, a brief Mural presentation will take place. Self will be on hand throughout to share about the creation of this mural process, including photos of the process, Art Cards and DVD.
“BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE” MURAL was created with 450 children, age 5 to 8, in a group art process led by Artist Janet Self to make a lasting "gift" for their school. The result is a multi-panel installation that encompass 450 square feet of canvas with vivid imagery in acrylic colors, applied with things like blocks, stamps, q-tips, toys, rollers, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. It is explores learning, from basics of line, shape and color to discover the world-at- large and our place in it. The Mural was made possible with a grant from the AD Abramson Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of Mendocino County and is a project of FLOCKworks, a nonprofit supporting the creative spirit of community.
Last year, Self undertook a Train Car Mural for the Skunk Train's 125th Anniversary, Cachement Water Tank Mural for Noyo Food Forest's EarthDay and another Redwood School mural now hangs at the CV Starr Center with a second Panel on Exhibit at Odd Fellows in Mendocino through the end of May. This is part of FLOCKworks' Children's Banner working with schools, organizations and community groups and adding children created banners to local events and activities. "Art of Learning" is a FLOCKworks' exhibit reflecting this spirit of community creativity and can be seen at Odd Fellows in Mendocino through the end of May.
Open-Door-Arts @ Odd Fellows has been an amazing four year run of diverse and lively local arts exhibits! With this magnificent loaned space, over 1,800 adults and children have shown work with about 12,000 visitors each year! Just opened...Art of Learning...A Celebration of Creativity is the 55th exhibit in this series that highlights life-long creative learning. With art-makers from age 5 to 92 years old, an underlying focus honors "teachers of the arts" who pass along their creative intent. The show runs through the Memorial Weekend. Over 600 people have been in to this special exhibit. "It makes me feel like dancing" was one visitor's comment.
Next... Mendocino Film Festival (June 3-5) will headquarter at Odd Fellows...Starting May 28th, you can buy tickets at FLOCKworks studio and then find center of fun events during the Festival itself! Great line-up of films and events... http://www.mendocinofilmfestival.org
In June... A benefit Art & Silent Auction Ganbare Otsuchi / Persevere Otsuchi will be hosted here @ Odd Fellows. Otsuchi, Japan is Ft. Bragg's Sister City; it was swept away in the March Tsunami and provided the most vivid images of this disaster. This special exhibit brings creative arts to positively respond to this tragedy. Wanna help?- Contribute ART...Contribute BOWLS...for 500 RICE BOWL installation & sale...
- Provide a service, opportunity or special item for Silent Auction
- VOLUNTEER for special events on June 11th and July 3rd.
- Come in and buy something... from cards, t-shirts, glass straws and other simple arts, wonderful auction items and beautiful works by great local artists ... Choose one of 500 RICE BOWLS that will be filled on special July 3rd event.
May 26th Mural Unveiling of Building Blocks of Life, created with 450 children (k-2) of Redwood School in Ft Bragg! Come back to school for Open House and help me celebrate installation of 450 square feet of canvas mural done this year with support of the AD Abramson Fund for Visual Arts at the Community Foundation of Mendocino County. This amazing School is located at 324 S. Lincoln Street, next to the CV Starr Center. Open House 5-8pm...
FLOCKworks supports the creative spirit of community... more important than ever in these challenging times! We are all part of the creative heart beat of Mendocino County!