Stop by First Friday December 2 from 5-8 kicks off the First Annual Print Sale by artists at Noyo Printworks, 215 Laurel Street in Fort Bragg.
Work by community artists includes etchings, dry point, linocuts, mono prints, wood cuts, letterpress and other related items.
Studio Sale will also be open Saturdays & Sundays thru December 17th from 11-5.
Noyo Printworks is a Flockworks project begun two years ago to create an open Community Studio for print making, letterpress and book arts. Community gifts of equipment and supplies, space from The City of Fort Bragg and funding for sign and promotion from the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, together with Flockworks “Magic Cigar Box” contributions allowed us to transform the space and stock essential supplies and materials. Volunteer leadership in planning and hands-on studio work means Noyo Printworks is a true community venture, relying on the contributions of many to become a reality.
2017 will Kickoff a new round of workshops and studio opportunities. If you are an experienced printmaker or letterpress artist, tell us how you'd like to be involved in the Studio. If you are a beginner, let us know your special areas of interest to help us with our planning. Simply e-mail us ...