What is FLOCKworks?

An idea... about a way to work together as a creative community...

A nonprofit... that builds community through creativity and provides an organizational structure where ideas take form and action.

Volunteers... bringing art and creativity out into schools, organizations, and community events, adding threads of shared community experience.

Leadership and involvement... making creative things happen that bring our community together and engage talents, time and interest in meaningful efforts.

Partnership, Collaboration and Networking... to draw together different parts of our creative community into a stronger whole.

Our focus is creativity and arts of all kinds.  We build bridges with others creatively working to make our community strong by addressing the needs of our children, families and elders, caring for our land, growing wholesome food,  remembering our history, securing opportunity for all, building a sound economic base, and supporting fairness in how we deal with one another.  

We work to find common threads, share opportunities, harness resources and weave together creative talents, interests and time into a stronger community for all.

Flock = coming together          works = action, making things happen

Just imagine... a great migration...
shared purpose, flexible leadership and mutual support... 
Together, amazing things are accomplished!